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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Photos of 2007 ST-INTEN Graduation Day, Bandung, Dec. 22nd. / Foto-Foto Wisuda ST-INTEN 2007

My university had XVI graduation day, Dec. 22nd., 2007 in Bandung. The occasion was on Hotel Grand Aquila. ST-INTEN is small university in Bandung, having 4 departments: Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Architecture, Informatics Engineering, and Civil Engineering. ST-INTEN established in 1984, now accredited B by government accreditation board. This year graduation, inaugurated 121 new scholars. Before being scholar, students have to finish around 150 SKS, or study at least 4.5 years. Engineering graduates in Indonesia have right to put ST. degree at the back of their name, stands for Sarjana Teknik, or in English: Engineering Scholar. Before 1993, engineering scholar in Indonesia degreed Ir. means Ingenieur (Dutch). Because of spirit of national standardization, Dutch degree no longer given in Indonesia. ST-INTEN headed by Drs. Inu Hardi Kusumah, ST., MPd. since 2004. 2007 Graduation headed by Ir. H. Suwarna, ST-INTEN electronic eng. alumnus, and now lecturer in ST-INTEN.

We would like to thank all persons involved as organizer of this graduation. Between them, we could mention our singing teacher tried to improve ST-INTEN Student Choir: Saut P. Manullang. Saut is our fellow final year student of Management Informatics of neighbouring university UNIKOM. Hopefully Saut would be Computer Software Scholar in 2008. We pray for that. Another help came from Aprian. Aprian played as choir pianist. Aprian is Law student in STHB, private university in Bandung focusing on Law studies.

2007 ST-INTEN Student Choir / PSM ST-INTEN 2007:
Choir Trainer & Conductor: Saut P. Manullang
Choir Musician: Roosdiarto Rooskandar, Aprian
Tenor: Roosdiarto Rooskandar, Cholid Fauzi, Rizal K, Jejen Juanda, Yasa, Yogi
Soprano: Lestari, Davy Lydia, Lena Hermawati, Redi, Siti, Intan
Alto: Aditya, Fitri, Lulu (foreign student from Timor Leste)
Bass: Wisnu, Ariep Saeful M., Sriyadi, Arman S., Dinar

Several ST-INTEN Student Choir members graduated in 2007: Elsa Elvandari (Informatics), Desivita Amelia Kansil (Informatics), Netta Agustina Herdi (Informatics), and Dewinta Kusumawaty (Informatics). Sorry I don’t recognize all of graduates names, but I could mention several more here: Wiwiek Susilowati (Electronic Engineering), Yeniwati (Electronic Engineering), and Erwin Supiyanto (Electronic Engineering).

Photos under are medium resolution (each around 150Kpixels/30KB) and already good to be printed in 3R size. You just have to left click on these photos (go to photos storage), right click on these photos, save, and print. These photos taken several days before Graduation Day, and at Graduation Day. To get higher resolution (probably you would like to print larger than 3R), please tell me your e-mail address of course with your clear identity, like your name, your department, and your NIM in ST-INTEN, and I would be very glad to send you higher resolution photo files (each 1.1 Megapixels/325 KB). You could edit, resize, etc., use many photo editors. If internet connection is OK, please wait 3 days for reply. Printing cost (in commercial) is around Rp 1000.00 for 3R size or you could print yourselves use photo printer. Printing result is good and smooth.

For All Graduates, Congratulation, and I pray you all good luck, good job and position in World, and keep study.

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Tenor & Bass rehearsal, Dec. 12, 2007Soprano & Alto rehearsal, Dec. 12, 2007ST-INTEN Choir rehearsal, Dec. 12, 2007Tenor rehearsal, Dec. 13, 2007 Bass rehearsal, Dec 13., 2007 Bass rehearsal, Dec. 14, 2007Tenor rehearsal, Dec. 14, 2007Soprano rehearsal, Dec. 14, 2007General rehearsal at Grand Aquila, Dec. 21, 2007General rehearsal at Grand Aquila, Dec. 21, 2007General rehearsal at Grand Aquila, Dec. 21, 2007General rehearsal at Grand Aquila, Dec. 21, 2007General rehearsal at Grand Aquila, Dec. 21, 2007Beautiful Hotel of Grand Aquila, BandungMyselfST-INTEN Student Choir, Saut, & AprianST-INTEN Student Choir, Saut, & AprianNusantara Ballroom background used in this graduationDesivita Amelia Kansil, ST. & Netta Agustina Herdi, ST.After the party overed..., Wahyu (most front)Graduates relativesGraduates relatives..., ST.Lena and ...Aprian & Saut P. ManullangAprian & Saut P. ManullangDesivita Amelia Kansil, ST. with her parentOldest graduate. Age doesn't discourage you. Congratulation.Erwin Supiyanto, ST.Me & Erwin Supiyanto, ST...., Aditya, Desivita, ST.Choir Chief: AdityaChoir Secretary: Lena HermawatiChoir Trainer & Conductor: Saut P. ManullangChoir Pianist: Aprian
Last 4 photos: Choir Chief: Aditya, Choir Secretary: Lena Hermawati, Choir Trainer & Conductor: Saut P. Manullang, Choir Pianist: Aprian

Friday, August 17, 2007

Photos of 2007 Indonesia Anniversary Day Celebration / Foto-Foto Peringatan HUT Indonesia ke-62, 17 Agustus 2007

In August 17, 2007, Republic of Indonesia commemorated 62nd. of its anniversary. Republic of Indonesia declared in August 17, 1945. The area extends from Sabang to Merauke City. It is the same extent as Lisbon to Ural Mountain in Europe.

Indonesia Independence Day celebrated everywhere in Indonesia with grateful. Under are photos of simple celebration in my residence area. Just medium resolution photos (150KPixels/30KB). These medium resolution photos already good if printed in 3R size. If you like higher resolution (1.1 MPixels/300KB), you could ask these photos to me. Please tell me your identity, your email address, and which photos you like. Hopefully, I'll send you high resolution photos (1.1 MPixels). Happy Anniversary Indonesia. May God Bless Indonesia, and Indonesia Be Bless For Universe & Other Nations.

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